Westfield Foundation Awards Over $150K in Grants to Community Programs

The Westfield Foundation is proud to announce that at their recent Board meeting, the Trustees awarded over $150,000 in grants, a historic high in both the number of applicants and the total dollar amount requested. These grants showcase the Westfield Foundation’s steadfast dedication to nurturing a dynamic, supportive, and inclusive community. Through funding a wide range of initiatives, the Foundation seeks to meet pressing needs and enhance the overall well-being of all local residents. Here are the beneficiaries of this round of funding:

Boys and Girls Club of Union County: Expansion of the College & Career Path Preparedness Program, which provides college prep and career counseling to prevent gang involvement. The program offers SAT and college application tutoring, test fees, transportation for college visits, and internship opportunities.

CASA of Passaic and Union Counties: Funding for the Open Door Store, providing new clothing and essentials to children in foster care, empowering them to select items that fit their personal style and needs. This autonomy provides a sense of control for children mired in tumult and unknowns.

Community Access Unlimited: Creation of an ADA-compliant kitchen to train individuals with disabilities in culinary and hospitality skills.The teaching kitchen must be upgraded to be ADA compliant so that it is accessible for students and staff regardless of their disability. This training program seeks to prepare individuals with disabilities for careers in the culinary, hospitality and travel fields.

Family Promise Union County: Enhancement of emergency shelter apartments with essential furnishings, offering families escaping homelessness a comfortable and supportive environment during their stay.

The Gateway Family YMCA: Support for the WISE Connect program from the Wagner Hoffart Fund, offering health, wellness, and social activities for older adults with cognitive impairments. This program provides specialized dementia care and supports individuals at various stages of cognitive health.

Girls in Gear: Support for the Ride On! biking program for low-income girls, offering bikes, helmets, and bilingual materials in Elizabeth and Plainfield. The program ensures that every girl has the opportunity to participate, regardless of financial constraints.

Literacy New Jersey: Funding GED exam fees for students in Union County, helping them earn a High School Diploma by providing merit-based scholarships. The grant will cover the exam fee for students, removing a significant financial barrier.

Mobile Meals of Westfield: Replacement of a broken sump pump to prevent flooding and maintain operations at the Fellowship Hall basement, ensuring continued meal delivery services.

Our House Foundation: Funded from our Wagner Hoffart fund, this will support kitchen renovations at Westfield supervised apartments and group homes, ensuring residents’ dietary and social needs are met with updated facilities.

Patriots’ Path Council: Funding for a new robotics program at Watchung Day Camp, providing a hands-on STEM experience for Cub Scouts and non-Scouts in summer 2024. This initiative will allow participants to develop their STEM skills through interactive activities and learning opportunities.

Project Playground Franklin PTO: Funding for inclusive and accessible playground equipment at Westfield’s Franklin Elementary School, benefiting all children in the community.

Youth and Family Counseling Service: Capital improvements and maintenance of office facilities to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for clients.

YWCA Union County: Essential supplies for the Emergency Shelter serving domestic violence survivors. Items include kitchen utensils, appliances, TVs, and baby essentials like Pack & Plays, cribs, and bassinets, helping survivors rebuild their lives with a sense of belonging and normalcy.

The Westfield Foundation’s purpose is to promote the betterment of Westfield New Jersey and its surrounding communities by enhancing the quality of life for all of its citizens.

Our areas of focus include but are not limited to capital projects and improvements within Education, The Arts, Health and Human Services, Historic Preservation, Civic Projects, and Community development.

Our grants provide innovative and strategic responses to recognized community needs.

We aim to partner with agencies and institutions to strengthen their services to the local community.