The Westfield Foundation, through the generous support from the E. Alfred and Mary D. Herberich Fund, will once again finance a program for summer employment of area students by non-profit or civic organizations. The Foundation Trustees have allocated funding for up to 10 positions, at $1,500 per position. Organizations are invited to submit a letter proposal to the Foundation as to how your organization would employ a youth if you were given a 2024 grant.
The proposals to be financed will be selected on the basis of how well they meet the objectives of the program. The objectives are the same as in previous years:
1. To provide an area youth with an opportunity to earn money; 2. To provide a learning experience by which the youth can develop skills or knowledge that will be of lasting benefit; 3. To perform a service needed by the community; 4. To help fund a job for which funding is not otherwise completely available, so that the job represents a net increase in employment in the community (Westfield or a surrounding town).
We consider the learning experience particularly important, and we urge that you keep this in mind when developing a proposal.
The deadline for submission of your proposal to The Westfield Foundation is Wednesday, May 15.
Final selection will be made by May 31, 2024.
Please email your proposal to: with SYE 2024 in the subject.

Please include both a physical and email address as well as a phone number for your organization’s contact. Announcements will follow. Organizations receiving grants will select youths to be employed. The Foundation expects that financial need will be a consideration in the choice and encourages grant recipients to supplement the grant amount, if needed, to ensure that the employee is fairly paid for the position being filled.
Grant recipients must submit an impact statement detailing the youth’s summer employment, including hours worked, wages, and other expenses. They should assess the experience’s value for both the youth and the organization. Additionally, recipients are strongly encouraged to create a social media post or vlog showcasing the grant’s impact. For inquiries about the program, please contact